The Hungry Gringa is back after two years! I originally started this blog when I lived in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in 2016. It was my way to connect and share my life abroad as well as share my love of tasty home-cooked meals. I am often asked about who The Hungry Gringa is. The term "Gringa" is a word most people called me in the Dominican Republic, which basically means, "American girl" - And let's face it! Everyone who knows me knows I'm always hungry! Or as my husband calls me "the Hangry Gringa!" Life abroad was certainly challenging but also a beautiful chapter in my book. Cooking was my outlet to not only share my culture with my husband's culture but to share the importance of healthy eating amongst a different community.
While having another baby boy, finishing up my Master's in Media Studies, or attempting to make people laugh with my mediocre humor, I think you could say that the last two years have been a little more hectic! I'm not sure people even read blogs anymore these days with the ever-changing technology and shorter attention spans, but I'll give this another shot! Also, if I'm the only person who sees my writing and posting, I'll be happy, because this is therapeutic! After much contemplation on my values and what makes me tick, I realized that sharing my voice is the thing I love most. Whether my comedy, love of cooking or trying to help another soul out, I enjoy having my voice be my art. And what is art? Art is a medium for feeling sympathy towards other people, which is why I like to use my voice as a way to connect. The last two years have been tumultuous, emotionally, and physically. I lost my Grandpa who was one of the most influential figures in my life, I had my second high-risk pregnancy, my parents were living abroad, I had lots of mom and wife fails, and strifes and heartaches with friends. I bring up mostly hardships I've had the last few years because I think it's essential to look at the trials in your life. Overcoming hard times are not only what makes us stronger; those moments make us who we are. And relatable! In the world of social media, we're forced to "Like" everything, and with the word "Like" having a positive connotation, you assume you have to only to post the positives or perceived "positives." I believe that is why we as a society have more anxiety, FOMO, and the pressure of perfection, so I promise to be nothing but real in my writings about life, love, family, and my journey with FOOD. Love, The Hungry Gringa
Hola!My name is Liddy and I'm just a gringa trying to eat bueno in Nueva York and beyond! #gringaapproved #T1D #GlutenFree Archives
October 2019
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